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Frequently asked questions

Some researchers hyper-focus on the impact of the global and the local. We've found regions are actually better predictors because they converge to the mean of your information experiences. Regional news represents your community better, even if it doesn't always have to do with your immediate surroundings and even if its impact is not as important.

Our database was made to catalog all available online news. Misinformation thrives when information sources are over-saturated and censorship thrives when information sources are too limited. We've found a simple filter of news-related content generators makes it easier for users to source content, reducing the effects of misinformation without imposing the limitations of censorship. We hope users will contribute to our open source database so we can make our information ecosystem better together.

Of course! Our public outrage evaluator analyzes news articles for emotional context, giving users a volatility baseline. We think it should be used to determine if a journalist is unwittingly caught up in their own emotions, as this would compromise their ability to convey important news-related information.

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